Thursday, May 11, 2017

Medival Party Cheats !

Welcome to the CPR most bugged party ever ! Here are the cheats.

All rooms from Medival Party view here ---- >

1. QUEST 1

Go to the CAVE and enter the first room !

2. QUEST 2

Throw snowballs at all torches to unlock the next room !

There is the pin! Plus you can get gold for ur igloo how much times you want.

3. QUEST 3

It might not work for everyone cz its reeeeeeeeeealllyyyyy buggy. I couldnt finish it several times because there were so many glitches.

4. Other items


Until next time,
Waddle on!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Penguin Catalog May '17

Here are all secrets for the new catalog! Hope you enjoy!

Untill next time,
Waddle on!